psx4iphone v0.2.0 seemed to have a large issue with games crashing on boot. It only happened to some users with certain firmwares. It seems firmware upgrades from iClarified use a certain library (libgcc_s.1.dylib) that is not compatible with builds of software made with newer toolchains.

So what does this all mean? Well thanks to some testing from fellow ZodTTD user iLauncher, I have fixed this bug. The bug also lead me to find a better way of compiling my projects, so more performance to come from my software!

psx4iphone v0.3.0 is currently out for beta testers to use. Let me know if games previously working with v0.1.0 that crashed with v0.2.0 now work with v0.3.0. Whew that was a mouthful!
Hopefully some will notice a performance increase as well.
