via Computer and Video Games

Epic remains determined to bring mods to Unreal Tournament III on Xbox 360, boss Mark Rein telling OXM UK "We'll figure it out.

"We know some of these great mods are going to play a role on Xbox 360, even if we have to get some people and bring them over ourselves," Rein added.

He said similar to CVG on this subject last year, but at the time described this method of mod delivery as a "worst case scenario" and still held out hope that a user-managed way of bringing UTIII mods to the console - as it operates on PS3 - would be possible.

In fact, according to OXM Epic continues to hold out hope, Rein saying that the developer's "cautiously optimistic" that a solution to getting round Microsoft's reluctance to share user-generated content is coming.

But expect this to occur in the future rather than it being an out-the-box feature of Unreal Tournament III on Xbox 360.