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Thread: Im beginning cracking 2.0 . . .

  1. #1
    DCEmu Pro YourStillWithMe's Avatar
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    Post Im beginning cracking 2.0 . . .

    I would like to announce that I am starting a project to begin cracking the psp system 2.0 However I MIGHT need the 1.51 firmware system because I believe that should be the easiet to crack! Don't get insane yet im not asking for any form of donations or anything like team WAB did. Just so you know incase you insult my age lets forget that team WAB let you down and as we know of right now there not doing jack. I mean no disrespect to them but they did let you down after all. . . .

    Anyway to give you some quick info on myself to let you know im not a complete moron

    I am currently 20 years old, attending Quinnipiac University in Connecticut as a Sophmore, dating a girl named Rosey, and I was an honor roll student during high school and my previous high school years (not my middle school. . .I was a slacker there, haha) I also played basketball for three years, played football for two, was on the track team for four years, drama club for on year, and I played baseball as a freshman.

    Once again that was just to let you know that im not like 12 and im thinking, "Wow! I have an idea."

    What I would appreciate is things that you know that have been tried that DID NOT WORK or ideas. Once again if you post here please only give me ideas or report things that HAVE NOT WORKED no flaming of the sort please

    Also do not say "swap the memory sticks" because I dont have 2 as of right now and i think thats a one way ticket to a vegtable. If team WAB could get that far with on memory stick so could I. Wish me luck

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I am with you mate, i need a 2.0 downgrade... i cannot provide 1.51 (i got a 2.00) and any money, but i will support u cos there is no1 else to support (i think). GOOD LUCK!

    but have you made any breakthroughs? or tried anything that makes you sure? hope u have

  3. #3
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    Good're going to need it. But if you are successful you will be famous and everyone will love you, hehe. (There's a little motivation, I guess.) I, too, can't get you 1.51, nor can I give you ideas or things that don't work, but I do wish you a ton of good luck.

  4. #4


    the answer is not to downgrade 2.00 but merly crack it to run homebrew you are not gonna downgrade a psp this century

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by YourStillWithMe
    I am currently 20 years old, attending Quinnipiac University in Connecticut as a Sophmore, dating a girl named Rosey, and I was an honor roll student during high school and my previous high school years (not my middle school. . .I was a slacker there, haha) I also played basketball for three years, played football for two, was on the track team for four years, drama club for on year, and I played baseball as a freshman.
    Even though you give us all this detail (that whilst soul baring isn't much help in establishing your tech credentials) you haven't told us what you are studying at school...

    Whilst I'm sure the skills you have obtained through social interaction, baseball, football, track and drama will be invaluable in cracking the 2.0 firmware I (and forgive my lack of insight or vision) cannot see how you intend to apply them to the problem in hand.

    Cracked any other system in the past?

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Seriously, this is software thats been locked by a Billion dollar international company. Its been looked at by some of the scenes finest and is still... so the real question is... who are you and why should we care? - no offence meant by that statment.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro YourStillWithMe's Avatar
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    I'm an English major and I plan on becoming a teacher. Yes I understand that those do not tell much abut my computer and system cracking capabilities. . I am a rookie in the field but I do not plan on being impulsive in terms of my actions such as a lot of people would be. "ooo this looks good let me try this!!!" I plan on not thinking too quickly, becoming excited, or distracted easily. This work is serious. Regardless of whether you all believe I am capable, I want to contribute. I plan on researching the eboot.pbp (boot.bin) file, how it is read, how it is created, what systems and programs recognize it aside from the psp, and if the file can be split up further as opposed to the 1.5 ver firmwares files. I just stated my activities to let you know that I have intelligence.

    once again im looking for things that you know HAVE FAILED so i don't waste my time and hopefully the time for me (hopefully. . .) cracking this sytem will be shorter. Even if I cannot do this I would be more than happy to let others know of what I made progress with, and what I did not. I really want to contribute to the PSP scene. I am sick of waiting around! If you want something done sometimes the only way to do it is by means of Yourself.

    Also please do not PM me and ask me about my progress because im sure I will get a lot and its not too polite.

    Thanks again!

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Kudos - Go for it.

    You might want to check out the forums for some methods that have already been attempted and general tech info.

    I do agree with the other poster who stated that if you are serious about this you should be looking at an exploit for 2.0 rather than searching for the "holy grail"

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I agree that the best way to "crack" the system has nothing to do with cracking the system at all. But the best way to do it would be to learn how to spoof the "authentication" that Sony uses to sign all its code. Once you have that the PSP will think its official software long in to 2.xx.

  10. #10


    I think your idea of looking into the eboot.pbp file is a good start. I cannot offer you a 1.51 file either, but I can offer a mountain of ideas. First being, look into cracking an emulator, I know there are emulators out with v1.51 and v1.52 firmware, if nothing else it's safer than trying your own PSP. 2nd cross reference the eboot.pbp files from different liscenced games (as games made for v1.50 still work on v2.00). If nothing can be found in the eboot.pbp file, see what other files they may have in common. Anyway, that's about all for now, post a reply on how that works out. I don't have the time to try this stuff myself, but I'm more than happy to lend my ideas to anyone who will listen. Good luck.

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