The all-in-one Final Fantasy 4 hacking utility, FF4kster, has received another significant update. It now features a “Tileset Editor” which allows you to change the properties of the tiles in the various tilesets (things like which tiles are on which layer, which tiles can trigger events or chests, warp you out, damage the party, cause random encounters, etc).
In addition, the program no longer relies on prepackaged image files for the tile images, instead reading them directly from the rom you’re editing. This way, if you change any of the in-game map tile graphics, those changes will be reflected by the editor. The overlays indicating which tiles trigger events or warps or can be walked behind are also now generated dynamically based on the tile settings.
Finally, as usual there are a few minor bug fixes and improvements, including many more safeguards against data bleeding. Adding data should now be a lot safer as it will now either warn you or explicitly prevent you from adding too much (in most cases, that is… there still may be some areas that allow bleeding so you should still be careful, but events, messages, spell sets, triggers, and NPCs should all be safe).