What does upgrading a PlayStation Network sub-account to a master account have in common with buying lottery tickets? Well, now both are things you can do when you turn 18. That's right: You won't have to start a new account (or lose any of those platinum trophies) to get an unrestricted connection to game-broadcasting, messaging and PSN Store spending limits. For now, you have to handle the process via the Sony Entertainment Network website, but the PlayStation Blog says that it's en route to the PlayStation 4 as well. Xbox Live has had this feature for awhile, of course, so it's nice to see Sony's listened to its community and followed suit. Naturally, if you're a parent and don't think your kid is ready for unfettered access to everything PSN offers, Sony's quick to note that this is in no way mandatory. Given some of the things we've seen and heard while playing online with adults, that's almost positively one for the "win" column.
