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Thread: VBA for PSP V004 ? (GBA EMU)

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by slik da relic
    oh... so ur not beating ur wife. ur beating ur meat. lmao!!!

    my bad

    da relic
    Suddenly I have too much information, and not about psp anymore.

  2. #22
    DCEmu Pro RedKing14CA's Avatar
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    well ANYWAYS, if i wanted a GBA i would go into my brothers room and take it back... however, i dont have much a need for GBA, GB and GBA is dead, and nintendo needs to stop trying to resurrect them... nintendo DS was a cool idea, NOT because it had duel screens and what not, simply because it wasa LEAP from crappy snes, to nintendo 64 graphics... i loved the gba when it very first came out, it was awsome, but after awhile, it got boring... and the gbasp just wasn't appealing... and now they have the gba micro, i dont think they're going to stop...

    but anyways, we dont need gba emu, we have final fantasy 1 and 2 on nes and snes which run fine... i think what we need is PS1 emu, whatever happened to the PS1 emu for PSP???

    well, yeah, nintendo would get upset if people developed a working psp gba emu, especially because of the release of the gba micro...

    well, sorry, i don't mean to dis anyone, just nintendo's stupidity...

    i love the snes, and i liked the 64.... game cube is unappealing... the DS was...OK... but i sold it, the psp killed the DS... so i like nintendo, and i like nintendo's products, but they can be really stupid...

    and man, sony sucks, through and through, they make great systems, but always have to jack it all up...

  3. #23
    DCEmu Regular
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    I think you're all missing the real question here; Could somebody PLEASE make a complete this GBA emulator??

    There's alot of interesting games released on the GBA that were never released on anything else. For instance, Mario Pinball and Bookworm are high on my list of great portable games. If this guy can't complete his VBA, could somebody else take over the project? There's alot of "unofficial" versions of SNES emulators, why not an "unofficial" version of the VBA that actually runs at a useful speed? The SNES emulators run so well, it seems like the GBA emulators should be able to do so as well. Or at least somebody could try messing with it. The last VBA release with months ago!

    I have a few dollars I could donate to a solid release. And, of course, my undying praise and admiration!

  4. #24
    DCEmu Newbie watoto's Avatar
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    well,I suppose I could take over the project and optimize it.

    ....oh,wait,no...I just remembered I can't code.meh

  5. #25
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Advance wars is a little slow but playable, played through the whole campaign. Maybe Nintendo had a little word to the dude that did the emulator so he wouldnt update it. Would totally kill that tiny little GBA coming out. Do get it to work remember to rename the rom to rom.gba or nothing will happen.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Heres what I dont get. The Neo Geo Cd emu that runs on the PSP- you need the bios too - anyways to the point. It was the SDL version of the emulator that was rencoded, and it really wasnt rencoded that much. Things like the button configuration was remaped, and the screen size and resize option handels where changed as well as the directorys for saves and roms. Now the visual boy advance

    A GBA emu that is avalable in SDL code and has it's source avalable, well I'm almost almost certain that if a decent coder got his nubs on it and looked at the work done on the and neo cd emu's and compared thier source files from the psp/pc versions- well I"m sure we would have a decent GBA emu in no time. I'm willing to bet it would have the speed almost down pat- with out audio or games that used the the 3d modes. But what do I know. I just know that the Neo Geo emu was retooled a tiny bit and look at its speed! the visual boy advance wouldnt need that much reworking since there is a SDL version!

  7. #27
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    I think the hardest thing is to make it fast. All Snes game doesn't run at full speed yet and GBA is much more advanced than Snes is. Visual Boy Advance may not be so hard to just port but it will be hard and will take a huge amount of time to optimize it. I don't think it's impossible to make a good GBA emu for PSP but it's going to take time.

  8. #28
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I made this it was a test to check if it worked on a 2.00 i was trying it on a different website forum the original source is if anyone has any contact with dcemu and any other psp place tell them immedietly it is a fake not a real 2.00 VBA and it is no faster than the V003 somehow someone has been advertising this I have seen it on 37 websites so far i have the original source and every v004? matches the original one! remember you were one of the first to hear this!

  9. #29
    DCEmu Newbie
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    ugh, version 3.11 .... i'm very new to this - is there anyway I can still get this?

  10. #30
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    Sry homebrew will not run on your version of firmware for the PSP. Plus there is a better GBA emulator any way Gpsp V0.9 runs full speed on almost every game.

    But you will have to go out and buy a homebrew enabled PSP sry....

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