More XNA Goodness

Field Pong a physics-based pong game written in C# using XNA 2.0 and the Farseer Physics engine. It's played in a gravitational field which is represented with a grid very much inspired by that in the Xbox Live Arcade game Geometry Wars. You have to have an Xbox 360 game pad to play.

You have full control over your paddle with the left thumbstick and can skilfully spin it using the triggers to whack the ball across the arena. You can shoot out gravity balls with X that suck in the ball and the obstacles with their gravitational fields. Finally, you can shoot bullets with the right thumbstick that bump into the ball and obstacles, pushing them through space. With a bit of practice you can shoot at the ball and push it past your opponent.

I'd love to hear your feedback. If you have any suggestions for new features, please send them my way! I'm always open to new ideas.