There are two days, " ctrulib "(CTR User Library), originally library development on Nintendo 3DS, passed version 0.5.0. Reminder: To expand on Nintendo 3DS, you must install the DevkitPro toolchains which includes the ctrulib.


CTR User Library

library for writing user mode arm11 code for the 3DS (CTR)

the goal with this is to create a very straightforward interface with the 3DS's OS. it is not meant to provide higher level functions; to put things in perspective, the purpose of ctrulib would be to sit between the OS and a possible port of SDL rather than replace it.

ctrulib is just a library and needs a toolchain to function. we built ctrulib to be used in conjunction with devkitARM. you may find instructions on how to install devkitARM here :

The most recent devkitARM (r43) includes 3DS support and a prebuilt libctru.

To keep up to date with the most recent changes you'll want to checkout ctrulib, build it and install it.