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Thread: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    Yesterday, Microsoft held its annual financial analyst meeting at its corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Besides addressing bigger issues such as the software behemoth's search-engine war with Google, CEO Steve Ballmer also talked about Microsoft's future plans for its games division. [br][br]Unfortunately for gamers, it's looking more like far-future plans. Although he said the company is "hard at work" on its next-generation console, Ballmer flat-out said, "There's no new Xbox in the next year." [br][br]Normally, such a blunt statement's meaning would be unequivocal, but in the world of corporate finance, his words could be interpreted many ways. Did Ballmer mean the next Xbox wouldn't arrive in the next 12 months or calendar year 2005? Or did he mean the console wasn't coming during Microsoft's next fiscal year, which ends on June 30, 2005? [br][br]Though the latter scenario could mean that the next-gen Xbox could still be released during the fourth quarter of 2005--as many analysts have suspected---Ballmer did not elaborate. "That's all we'll say," he told the conference. He wasn't kidding, either. Microsoft spokesmen contacted by GameSpot said, "We’re going to decline commenting on Steve Ballmer’s remarks." [br][br]Ballmer also did not say if the Xbox Next would be on display at next year's E3, where rivals Sony and Nintendo will be showing off their next-generation consoles. However, he did reconfirm that Halo 2 was "on the way" and that the Xbox platform now has "over 400 games."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    At this time they don't have any need to make a new console.. They're achived king of the hill just by the market share they have.. Plus Xbox's are getting cheaper to build every few weeks, and I actually see this as a good thing. The longer a console has a shelf life the cheaper it gets, and the more of a library of games come to it.. I can wait.. 18 months or so..

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    me too, microsoft dont really want to go down the Sega route by having new consoles coming out of their arses :P

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    They arnt going to crash and burn like Sega did, they have way to much money and experiance. I think it would be wise to pull it out before the PS3 with a low price. If they keep a good game list going and have alot of people develope for the Xbox 2 then they cant fail, and they would probably sell quite a bit in the first months of their release.

    Does anyone know the specs on this thing btw?
    What about the PS3?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    [quote author=1timeuser link=board=xbox;num=1091262102;start=0#3 date=07/31/04 at 07:45:43]They arnt going to crash and burn like Sega did, they have way to much money and experiance. [/quote]

    Never say Never.. Service Games.. They had 10 fold
    the expirience in the consumer video games/coin op market. Microsofts first game was Golf or casino in 94? Ten years before M$ even incorporated Sega
    was already in the games market. It was and still is probably the leader in arcade games to date.. It just goes to show how unpredictable the market can be. and the rule is technology never beats "ignorance od the majority" if we were to go based on the "better" technologhy..
    You'd have an C=64, Atari, or speccy instead of the 4 color beeping IBMPC, or PCjr
    We'd all be on Amiga's, Mac, and Atari's.. using OS/2, BEOS etc..
    You'd have a Gamegear with color, vs 4 shades of olive green.
    You'd have a Nomad,GP32.. rather than GBC
    You'd have a dreamcast rather than a PSX
    VCD players in north america.. not VHS
    This list goes on and on.. where the better technology just lost out miserably to the obvious inferior...

    Plus I'm not made of money.. can't afford 3 consoles every 2 years.. after you add the "needed" accesories..
    it gets real expensive..

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    I was refering to marketing experiance. In the console game world where play station is king, bad marketing decisions could be disasterouse. Microsoft (dont say M$... thats so 1995) can afford a disaster easily, but it would tarnish the game market for them. I think that if they release it before the PS3 they will sell more units than if they waited a while. Personaly I would rather have a PS3, but if i saw a comercial for an xbox2 it might convince me to buy one instantly.

    You have Nintendo fanboys. You have Sony fanboys. You dont have microsoft fanboys, instead you have microsoft fan-middle aged men for the most part. With the current system microsoft still wont really get any fanboys, but it might turn some heads. The Xbox has the power, it just dosnt have the games. They have to convince people that the lack of games is made up with power. Sounds like a stupid scheme, but it seems to work. If they release it before the PS3 they might draw more people in then they would if it sold after.

    Either way i dont care... im just going to mod it anyways.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    [quote author=1timeuser link=board=xbox;num=1091262102;start=0#5 date=07/31/04 at 10:00:49]I was refering to marketing experiance. In the console game world where play station is king, bad marketing decisions could be disasterouse...(snip)..can afford a disaster easily, but it would tarnish the game market for them. I think that if they release it before the PS3 they will sell more units than if they waited a while. Personaly I would rather have a PS3, but if i saw a comercial for an xbox2 it might convince me to buy one instantly...(snip)..With the current system microsoft still wont really get any fanboys, but it might turn some heads. The Xbox has the power, it just dosnt have the games. They have to convince people that the lack of games is made up with power. Sounds like a stupid scheme, but it seems to work. If they release it before the PS3 they might draw more people in then they would if it sold after.

    But that's the problem.. It's hard to know what's good or
    bad.. just to use the Dreamcast as an example, they
    released clear ahead of everyone, but still failed.
    GC released at par with the Xbox, and even has a major
    price point.. also doing poorly..

    Microsoft (dont say M$... thats so 1995)
    Curiosity? you're in you early 20's? cuz I would have said
    that so 1990.. with the whole fisaco about win3.0 and
    the illegal contracts.

    You have Nintendo fanboys. You have Sony fanboys. You dont have microsoft fanboys, instead you have microsoft fan-middle aged men for the most part.
    Most people over the age of 40 don't actually play
    video games, unless it's on their PC. and the majority
    of us filling the 26-39 catagory.. well.. wintel.. m$..
    although our livelyhoods today..we have to overcome an
    internal dislike/distrust before buying that Xbox

    Either way i dont care... im just going to mod it anyways.
    Exactly! but I still like seeing longer shelf lives, since it
    makes for cheaper consoles, and budget re-release

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: Xbox 2 - Not for 12months at Least

    Aren't most Xbox users sega fanboys? they see ninty as the eternal enemy, Sony as the evil usurpers, and after all MS collaborated on the DC...

    As for the DC's failure, actually the DC was a slight sucess, it was the law suits with 3DfX, the massive losses on the saturn and the loss of credibility in droppin the 32x like 2 days after they released it that sunk sega.

    It cracked me up when Sega had it arranged for all the golf balls at a sony corporate meeting, which was related to the ps2, to have the DC swirls on them.

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