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Thread: CaSTaway/PSP v005 released!

  1. #51
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusOF View Post
    i'm running 2.71 SE B2 firmware and cant seem the emu to run correctly.

    I placed the
    casteway folders and atari_st folder in the game150 directory and have the tos102us renamed to tos.rom placed in the Atari_st folder. Yet everytime i load up casteway it gives me the message that no tos.rom could be found and then freezes. also tried the 1.00 eboot setup and didn't work, same error.

    Anybody have this working on a 271 SEB? or is this just one of those eboots that won't run on it?
    The "ATARI_ST" folder with all of your ROMs, including the TOS.ROM must be in the "GAME" folder, not "GAME150"
    The emulator itself can still remain in GAME150 though.

  2. #52
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Castaway does work with 2.71 SE A B and C !

    yes - Castaway does work with all the 2.71 SE firmwares! Ive tried all of them.

    ATARI_ST folder with (roms and TOS.ROM) inside goes in > PSP\GAME

    CaSTawayPSP > psp\game150
    CaSTawayPSP% > psp\game150

    if you get the error saying couldn't find TOS.ROM
    You have either named your TOS.ROM incorrectly
    or have put it in the wrong place!

    common errors are putting your ATARI_ST folder inside the CaSTawayPSP folder! the emulator wont find your games disks or TOS.ROM if you do this!

    Another common problem is naming your TOS.ROM
    TOS.ROM.rom! which will also give you the error saying couldn't find TOS.ROM.

    I can assure you all that castaway 005b works on all these firmwares! I've tried them all!

    1.5 - 2.71 SE A B B' B" C. now 3.40 A still working great! :thumbup:

  3. #53


    Putting the ATARI_ST folder in GAME150 folder didn't work for me. I had to put it in the GAME folder.

  4. #54
    DCEmu Newbie
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    After owning a gp32 and running castaway I've finnaly got round to getting a newer machine(psp 3.10oe fw)

    Castaway is without a doubt the most solid emulator around for the psp

    great work skeezix :thumbup:

    hope your not too knackered with the night feeds

  5. #55


    i think its really really sad that this emu was discontinued.. it had the potential to be one of the best emus, but now it feels a little bit old..

    thanx anyways to the coders of the castaway

  6. #56
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Yeah this emulator is awesome!

    Yeah I really like this emulator too! The Atari ST had such power that there is SO much that this emulator could enable for the PSP. Not just awesome games but tons of utilities and more!

    I have one question though. I'm currently running this emulator using a TA-082 with FW 2.71 through eloader and it works good on some games but crashes alot on others. I was just wondering if I took the plunge and upgraded my TA-082 to a custom firmware(after doing the downgrader) if this emulator would be more stable???

    Here's a list of the games that crash or don't work correctly that I have.

    OIDS - Runs but joystick seems backwards and ship jumps around.
    CAPTAIN BLOOD - Crashes when you get to the planet and it starts to draw the alien.
    STAR TREK REBEL UNIVERSE - The mouse cursor icon does not display making the game impossible to play.
    Some others I can't think of right now...

    But all in all, a great emulator! Thanks guys!

  7. #57


    I use caSTaway a lot and do find that some games don't work as you say, but it is still a fantastic emulator and very stable.

    I have found that sometimes the mouse does not appear depending upon which game you have played before. If you restart the emulator the mouse cursor icon does appear.

    Also I have found that choosing a different tos.rom file enables some games to run - I use tos1.02.

    I have recently updated my old Atari ST game - "World of Henry" and tweaked it to work with the emulator.

    Check out :

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by kharaboudjan View Post
    i think its really really sad that this emu was discontinued.. it had the potential to be one of the best emus, but now it feels a little bit old..

    thanx anyways to the coders of the castaway
    Who said it was discontinued?

    I've got other projects on the go and have a new baby girl tieing me up, but its certainly not dead


    ST for life.

  9. #59


    Modified your game to work in the emu? _sick_

    What did you have to tweak?


    I never got off my rear to build a ym chipmusic player .. checking your pgae, found you had one there. Thanks

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by skeezix View Post
    Modified your game to work in the emu? _sick_

    What did you have to tweak?


    I never got off my rear to build a ym chipmusic player .. checking your pgae, found you had one there. Thanks
    The original World Of Henry used the STOS STe extension - the game bombed out once loaded in caSTaway, I assume due to being purely an STFM emulator so I removed the STe extension.
    Also, the way the game read the joystick fire button did not work very well with caSTaway - very intermittent. I recoded those parts of the game using a different technique - now works great.

    Glad you found the YM player useful - I use it all the time to listen to my collection of YM music.



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