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Thread: CaSTaway/PSP v005 released!

  1. #41


    Real life has kicked me in the nards quite heavily the last couple of months; I do think about updating it as I've got some fixes but I'm rather annoyed by Sony .. shoudl we devs keep supporting the platform that they keep pissing on? ie: Should I invest hours and hours of time, to fight with them when they don't want me to? Its a pretty horrid use of time :/ (ie: I work 60-80 hours a week, so I when I get a night free and then spend 2 hours figuring out what Sony has pissed on

    I'm up to 2.6 now myself, so life is bad. Really, I need to get another PSP thats perma 1.50 but I've got no budget for such extravagences.

    I'm worried that once Field Commander hits the shelf in 2-3 weeks I'll be at 2.7 and thats just _it_, so far


  2. #42
    DCEmu Newbie
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    who's that bothered about castaway what we need is an update for PSP UAE

  3. #43


    Thats the silliest comment ever. - two different machines (though lots of game overlap)... and I don't care a bout Amiga Find another thread


  4. #44
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    I was gonna ask if you ever considered porting Columbo to the PSP also- A colecovision emu is sorely needed

    Would a paypal donate box on your site be a good idea to fund a dev PSP ?

  5. #45


    If I had a dev PSP, sure I'd do it Everything I do is fairly cross platform so it'd be a one night port to 'get going' and then just time to pollish for PSP controls.

    The problem is a dev-PSP would be pricey I imagine (and hard to find nowadays with 1.5-2.0 firmware I bet :/) so it would take some doing to get funding. PSPs around are say $250-$300CDN

    Damn Sony :/


  6. #46
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i am using musicmon2.5a and everything works great ecxept when i try to save a file to floppy it tells me there is a printer error or that my device might now be on. I would really appreciate information on how to turn on saving to disk and not using a compressed save state of the ram that is incompatible with my other emulators

  7. #47


    Does the disk saving work in other applications? I have had some versions of the emu where the floppy disk controller emulation was broken for some writes, or speed of the FDC was inconsistent and such; I don't recall if that was in the PSP builds or not. (I'm on 2.6 firmware now, so its hard for me to even boot the emu, so I'm annoyed to no end.)

    (Anyone want to send me a free 1.5 PSP?


  8. #48
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default I am willing to chip in at least 25$

    i live in japan right now and the psp 1.5s on yahoo auction are only 200$ and the 2.0 are a little less so if we get 8 people pitching in we can get you a devpsp. I just want to save my work to the diskete.
    No formating or other normal diskops work in the version 5 but everything else works great. being able to move the onscreen keyboard would be good but i am able to slow down my compositions and record real time in the tracker. and virtually everything works perfectly. I am a ym freak , so saving my work and uploading it to compos is important. Please let me know if you could get disk access working in future versions

  9. #49
    DCEmu Newbie
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    does castaway version 005 work on a euro psp with firmware 2.01?

    it says it is compatible on the eloader 0.97 site but I cant get it running.

    Ive done eveything I can think of, has anyone got it working on a fw 2.01

  10. #50
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i'm running 2.71 SE B2 firmware and cant seem the emu to run correctly.

    I placed the
    casteway folders and atari_st folder in the game150 directory and have the tos102us renamed to tos.rom placed in the Atari_st folder. Yet everytime i load up casteway it gives me the message that no tos.rom could be found and then freezes. also tried the 1.00 eboot setup and didn't work, same error.

    Anybody have this working on a 271 SEB? or is this just one of those eboots that won't run on it?

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