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Thread: Sony considering external PS3 hard drive?

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Sony considering external PS3 hard drive?

    via Eurogamer

    SCEE boss David Reeves has admitted he is unsure if Sony will stick to offering only the 40GB PS3 unit.

    Speaking to Eurogamer, he hinted towards the possibility of introducing official external hard drives as he delivered his vision of consumer storage choice.

    "We launched with 60GB and to reduce the price we went to 40GB. We're not sure we want to stay with that configuration of hard drive, and I think what you're going to see in the future is maybe consumers can choose," Reeves told Eurogamer.

    "The PlayStation will stay the same, but consumers can choose whichever size of hard drive they want. They can now, or course, because it's not a proprietary hard drive."

    "It might be that we will offer the possibility for people to have a bigger hard drive, but they have that option now. But it does not mean that we have anything in the works to introduce a different model or bigger hard drive built in," added Reeves.

    You can plug external hard drives into the PS3 using a USB cable attachment, as Reeves pointed out, as well as buy 2.5 inch SATA (laptop) hard drives and swap them with the one inside your console.

    The key in all of this for Sony is simplicity, because it knows that works. It also has a very low system failure rate and is in no rush to upset it.

    "We've played the games with the hardware, with different hard drives and things like that, and we want to keep it very, very simple. We know that works," said Reeves.

    "We've got a very, very low return rate on the machines that are out; we've got a great supplier, so we'll keep that simple. We're just going to play the tunes with the games, both at retail and online."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    sure you can do it now. I have a 250GB hard drive in mine.

    Problem is... your only choice of allocation is 10GB:the rest:

    That is... you can make either 10GB go to "otheros" or 10GB for PS3. The rest available goes to the other system.

    Please tell me who to call/email to knock some sense into them!

  3. #3


    I don't think they will need more hard drive space soon

  4. #4
    PSP User Zin0099's Avatar
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    if sony can make demos and psn games psone games playable off external hdd that would be great i will keep my 60gb alone if this happens

    60gb = game data / updates / linux
    XXgb external = games / demos/ movies / music / game saves / ps2 games that need hdd

  5. #5
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    Poor 20gb user's

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