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Thread: What is there to do with a Custom PSP?

  1. #1

    Wink What is there to do with a Custom PSP?

    I have a fat cfw 3.90 M33-3, owned it about 3 weeks now...Im still messing around with it, adding/making eboots and messing around with ISOs/CSOs. I've done a tiny bit like:

    -Got the Homebrew Games people talk about, installed POPS at 3.80/1.5 kernal/recently bought a pandora battery
    -Installed Custom Themes, tried a bunch of them...alot suck in allowing some apps to work like viewing the list of games in the Memory Stick and a few takes up battery power faster.
    -I could list movies and songs that'd be cool to have but I dont care about those two things in a psp...That's why MP3/4's were made :P

    Sorry for typing so much....I just love messing with things (WITHOUT TRYING TO BRICK ANYTHING :P)But is there some other things that the custom psp can do right now; like software attributes, some cookie kind of things?

  2. #2


    Now, this post is a little side question if any cares to answer...just something senseless...:P

    I know right now we cant play ps2 games and anything more packing than a ps1 emulator...but, it is a fact that there are ways to get around those things...just have to make the game freaken choppy as coding wise, different...yet can be altered. If it is ANYTHING that we've learned even with a tiny system such as a PSP, is that there are ways to get by programs and just takes time and the right formula(s).

    So, does anyone think we will be able to play large games in a psp, let say, 5-8 years? LOL
    Last edited by catastraphe_cdv; May 11th, 2008 at 05:35.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastraphe_cdv View Post
    A little side question if any cares to answer...just something senseless...:P

    I know right now we cant play ps2 games and anything more packing than a ps1 emulator...but, it is a fact that there are ways to get around those things...just have to make the game freaken choppy as coding wise, different...yet can be altered. If it is ANYTHING that we've learned even with a tiny system such as a PSP, is that there are ways to get by programs and just takes time and the right formula(s).

    So, does anyone think we will be able to play large games in a psp, let say, 5-8 years? LOL
    I'm not a coder, but I can confidently say that PS2 games will never run on our current PSPs. It would be amazing, but like most amazing things, won't happen.

  4. #4


    Ya...too good to be true....But people said the same thing about Microsoft...LOL

  5. #5

  6. #6


    I've tried ps1 and psp....Maybe I will do some more emulators for the hell of it.

  7. #7


    I've read instructions for gameshark being added.....Have you heard anything about that?

  8. #8
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastraphe_cdv View Post
    I've read instructions for gameshark being added.....Have you heard anything about that?
    Not really. The gameshark support in RIN works perfectly though.

    If you try emulators, try the GBA/GBC, NES, Genesis, N64, emulators.

    Respectively, GpSp, RIN, Nester, DGEN, emulators. They run perfectly most to all games, except for the N64 emulator.

  9. #9


    Awesome....Now I have something to occupy my mind for another hour. Thanks! lol

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