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Thread: Activision bringing Pitfall back for Wii

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Rev Activision bringing Pitfall back for Wii

    via Eurogamer

    Activision has decided to reincarnate the Pitfall series on Wii, although there's no word on exactly when we'll be getting our 'motes on it.

    Dubbed The Big Adventure, it will be set in the Peruvian jungle where there are lots of reptiles to dodge and vines to swing around on and pits to fall in.

    Edge of Reality is developing it and claims over 60 levels spanning rainforests, caves and mountain tops. You'll have to unearth hidden treasures, battle bizarre forest inhabitants, outwit, er, animals, and escape traps.

    "Pitfall is one of the most legendary franchises in the history of videogames, so we look forward to releasing a new version exclusively for Wii," said Activision spokesperson Dave Oxford. "What could be more fun than using the Wii Remote to swing on a vine over blood thirsty crocodiles as retro-cool Pitfall Harry?!"

    Pitfall began in 1982 on the Atari 2600, where it sold over 2.6 million copies, or so says Wikipedia.

    It's platform shenanigans have gone on to spawn numerous sequels, the most recent being Pitfall: The Lost Expedition for PS2, Xbox, and GameCube in 2004.

  2. #2


    I have the first Pitfall on Activision Classics

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