via Games Industry

Sales and operating income for Sony Corporation fell in its home territory of Japan, and also in North America, for the financial year ending March 31, 2008.

But that was offset by growth elsewhere, including a rise of 14 per cent in Europe, and 19.3 per cent in other territories - leading to an overall increase 6.9 per cent, and making Europe the company's biggest market in terms of its entire portfolio of products.

The numbers for Japan fell by 3.4 per cent to JPY 2.06 trillion (USD 19.6 billion), while North America showed a reduction of 0.5 per cent to JPY 2.22 trillion (USD 21.1 billion).

Meanwhile Europe's total sales and operating income rose to JPY 2.33 trillion (USD 22.1 billion), while the rest of the world saw numbers jump to JPY 2.27 trillion (USD 21.6 billion).

The numbers include sales of consumer electronics and videogames, as well as income from its other divisions, including Sony Pictures. Specific numbers for the PlayStation business by region were not disclosed.