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Remember kids, EA's $25.74 per share deadline offer for Take-Two ends tonight at 11:59PM EDT. Originally offering $26 per share and a purchase price of $2 billion, EA had lowered its offer when Take-Two declined to sell in April. Currently trading closer to $27 a share, Take-Two Interactive has been in EA's sights for quite some time--so does anyone think this deadline will stop them from trying again?

EA says they want Take-Two, so are they really going to give up? What else could they do? Well, EA could always lower their offer to Take-Two again, just to scare them. It's like those old sitcoms where two people haggle over money and one gets progressively lower just to scare the other guy into submission. What we're saying is that EA is basically the gaming equivalent of Balki Bartokomous.

Some analysts think this whole thing will be hammered out over the weekend, but we'll have to wait and see.
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