Bushing posted on his site this article that hopefully should stop those crying fake when releases dont happen straight away:

I really should be in bed by now, but this is just too frustrating to ignore. People ask me all the time when I’m going to release software — a beta version of the Homebrew Channel, source code for the Twilight Hack, IOS37 patches, whatever — and I hate it. Why?

This thread is embarrassing: http://www.console-scene.info/forums...0-1-alpha.html

The only thing that dCiSo has done wrong is letting himself get badgered into naming a specific date. Doing so always ends up in tears. People, nobody here is getting paid to do this. Some of us have paying jobs, or difficult classes, or other demands on our time. If somebody is being generous enough to write software and give it to you for free, you have no right whatsoever to demand *anything*. Not even if you were “promised” a release on a certain date.

People have been coming on IRC all day and asking about this. No, I haven’t actually seen this program. Yes, I think it’s real, even not having seen it, because dCiSo has been talking with me about some of the networking issues he’s run into over the past month or so. That, and I think he has better things to do than make up bull$#@! and post it. No, you are not owed a video or more screenshots — these things take a lot of time and effort. (All of the videos I’ve made have taken a couple of hours to prepare — and I only made them because I already had the right hardware, which is not something you should assume.)

How much of this doubt and cries of “hoax!” are people who genuinely doubt the existence of WiiMiidia, and how many are just people trying to manipulate dCiSo into a release to “prove” something?
