Filed under: News, Xbox Live Arcade

And a good morning to you too sirs and/or madams. Now available on Xbox Live Arcade is Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode One for 1600 MS Points. Penny Arcade fans will appreciate the humor and art style, while detractors of the popular web comic duo will continue to unleash healthy doses of searing hate--with a side order of rage.

The most frequent comment we've read so far is based on price, is the game asking too much? In the scope of XBLA releases we understand how people may feel that the title asks for too much, however, the perception of Arcade being quick and cheap entertainment might not be suitable for PAA:OtR-SPoD-E1 (sorry, had to try that at least once).

The Xbox Live Arcade is the only name for downloadable games on the Xbox 360, whereas Sony's PSN service just releases titles without the marketing department-spun category, and we've gotten used to the average price-points for what we expect as smaller games. As an entire experience being a $20 title, in line with the price-point behind Half-Life 2 episodes, Penny Arcade Adventures promises to be worth your money. For a 7-10 hour experience, which is longer than most episodic releases, the title hopes to keep you entertained.We're not defending it, we're just saying you should at least check it out before you sweep it under the rug. Because so far, we're really digging it.

If you're a fan of turn-based role-playing titles, Penny Arcade or obscene appliances then On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness might be for you.
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