Filed under: News, Rumors
We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of EGM's special July issue featuring Gears of War 2 awesomeness that's set to hit newsstands on June 3rd. But, if the rumors are true, we won't have to wait until June to get the new feature reveals, because a helpful EGM subscriber claims to have already received his July issue and has spilled all the exclusive Gears 2 deets.

Over on the GameSpot forums, member Prosecut0rGodot claims to have already received a copy of EGM's July issue and posted a recap of all the new Gears 2 details that were revealed. If true, EGM is said to reveal new GoW2 features including co-op specific cut-scenes and decisions that'll affect the game's ending, a brand new stamina bar has been added and will dictate a player's performance, a never before seen "Acheron" Locust creature will make an appearance and two new multiplayer modes were announced including the chainsaws only "En-Garde" mode. A few other goodies were supposedly revealed, so make your way towards the break to read the entire list of the rumored GoW2 info.Continue reading Rumor: EGM's GoW2 details include stamina bar and new multiplayer modes

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