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Thread: Homebrew Channel Tutorial - Meta.xml and Stuff

  1. #1

    Rev Homebrew Channel Tutorial - Meta.xml and Stuff

    This is a Tutorial I'm writing to help people with the whole 'meta.xml' thing. In this tut I will show you how to add elf or dol files to the homebrew channel, give them custom titles and descriptions, and custom png image files. Hope this helps you out!

    You need:
    The Homebrew Channel beta 7
    An SD card formatted in FAT16 (It's just called FAT in Windows)
    A Homebrew application you would like to add to the Homebrew Channel's Menu
    A program to edit/create PNG Images (If you want transparency, don't use paint- I suggest GIMP 2.0)

    So first you need to have a directory on your SD aard that is called 'apps,' without the quotes or comma. Inside this folder, you will need a folder for each homebrew app that you would like to add to the Homebrew Channel's menu. I've found that it doesn't matter what name that folder is, so just name it something cooresponding to your Homebrew Application, such as 'snes9x,' or 'wiiFS.'
    Next, inside that folder, you will need three files:
    First: Your homebrew app. If it is an elf file, name it boot.elf, if it is a dol, name it boot.dol.
    Second: You need a PNG image with the dimensions of 128 x 48. This will be the image that is displayed in the Homebrew Channel- I usually get the logo of the app I'm installing if it exists, otherwise, I just make something up. Be creative.
    Third: You will need the elusive meta.xml. Undoubtedly, that is the whole reason you are reading this tutorial, so I'll explain it.
    The easiest way to create a meta.xml is to look at an existing one- For example, Wii64's. This file can be edited with Notepad, which is probably the easiest way to do it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <app version="1">
    <version>Wii Tiizer Edition</version>
    <coder>Wii64 Team</coder>
    <short_description>N64 Emulator</short_description>
    <long_description>Note: This is only an early alpha release. We're still working on graphics, compatibility and speed issues.
    Core Coder: tehpola Graphics Coding: sepp256 Coding: emu_kidid
    Wii64 is a port of Mupen64 to the Wii. It currently runs most games at half speed with some graphical issues.
    Please see the enclosed README and visit to view the compatibility list, report issues, or to check out the latest revision.</long_description>

    It is important to NOT edit the following part of the XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

    However, everything else can be customized to your taste. Let's Start with the first Set of tags:


    This is the name of the app. Rename it accordingly, like 'Snes 9X GX' or 'Wii FS Dumper.'
    So, if you were doing RIN, it would look something like this:


    Next tag!

    <version>Wii Tiizer Edition</version>

    This is, obviously, the version of the app. You could write something like 'Wiimote Edition' or '1.43,' it just depends on the app, and what you want to do. Oh, also, If you do not want to have to deal with any of the tags, then simply erase those ones you don't want- The adaptable Homebrew Channel won't include them.

    Next tag is the release date. For Wii64 it is:
    It may Seem a bit confusing at first, but the string of numbers means:
    Year 2008 Month 05 Day 23 Time 00:00
    I usually omit this, but if you want it, that is how you do it.

    Next is the coder, or the creator of the app.
    <coder>Wii64 Team</coder>
    Pretty self-explanatory here, just write the coder's name, like 'Bushing,' or 'Marcan,' or 'Waninkoko.'

    The next tag is the short desription, or the subtitle that appears under the game's name in the Homebrew Channel Menu. For Wii64:
    <short_description>N64 Emulator</short_description>
    So basically, You could write something like, 'SNES Emulator' or 'Mii Extractor' or whatever. Not too hard.

    Next set of tags is the long description. This is what appears when you click on a game and You see the load/back buttons. Usually, I put the information, version, creator, release, and game controls and stuff, but you don't have to include all of that. JUst put whatever you want to. Here's Wii64's:

    <long_description>Note: This is only an early alpha release. We're still working on graphics, compatibility and speed issues.
    Core Coder: tehpola Graphics Coding: sepp256 Coding: emu_kidid
    Wii64 is a port of Mupen64 to the Wii. It currently runs most games at half speed with some graphical issues.
    Please see the enclosed README and visit to view the compatibility list, report issues, or to check out the latest revision.</long_description>

    And after that is </app>. Don't touch that.

    Well, I hope you got something from this tutorial, and enjoy the Homebrew Channel!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular WhizzBang's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
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    Thanks for taking the time to put this together - it is very helpful and perfectly clear.

  3. #3


    No problem - If I could write a simple program or batch file, I would, but I don't know how

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
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    There are some icons already made here ^^

  5. #5


    thanks for the link, the icons rock!

  6. #6


    Well, its not to shabby, but for something I did in nearly 5 minutes, I think it can save some work

    One just need to fill the fields with the info, click on "Generate XML" copy the code and paste it in a notepad, and there you have your xml file.

    Later 'll be doing another version with some save and load file options, just when I get some free time from school and work (i did this while I was in work :thumbup

    Hope it help

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