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Thread: Analog Stick Woes...I need help!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    Default Analog Stick Woes...I need help!

    Okay, so I purchased my PSP around 2 years ago secondhand.

    About three months after getting it, the analog stick got stuck in an upper-left position. I managed to pop it back into place, but then it started moving up-left on it's own.

    I popped open my PSP (stripping screws in the process) to see what was going on, and the little rubber disc popped out. I felt it was unneeded, and I lost it somewhere.

    Fast forward to now. The top-left screw near the L key is stripped, I can't get it out, and it doesn't screw into the faceplate. I bought a new analog stick, and guess what?

    It still moves up-left.

    What could possibly be the problem?

    Pressure over the bottom-left corner of the screen almost stops it, though.

  2. #2


    I have a bit of advice don't lose anything it is needed why do think they put it in there in the first place?But i would replace the analog or take it to a game repair shop of some kind...

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Its been about a year since I've been inside a psp so im trying to remember but there should be a small clear rubber piece where the analog stick goes. That being dirty could be the issue.

  4. #4
    PSP User Lwiggy's Avatar
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    i have same problem just replace the analog stick!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lwiggy View Post
    i have same problem just replace the analog stick!
    I have a bit of advice don't lose anything it is needed why do think they put it in there in the first place?But i would replace the analog or take it to a game repair shop of some kind...
    Please read. I /did/ replace it.

    I looked at that silicone block. Nothing seems wrong with it.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie LoneWolf-v7's Avatar
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    I had that problem
    It's due to poor contact between the contacts on the board, the analogue and that silicone pad

    So when I took apart my PSP to switch the case, I cleaned it a cotton bud and some cleaning solution
    it worked better after that but still acted up.

    Turned out the new case was the wrong size for my psp version and the analogue was too far from the contacts

    replaced the faceplate and now it's absolutely fine

    ...although the case looks a tad odd now, being a half-clear, half-white
    Last edited by LoneWolf-v7; May 30th, 2008 at 10:48.

  7. #7


    LoneWolf is right. The analog stick is very dependent on a specific amount of pressure being applied to the area around it on the faceplate. I have a Fat PSP myself that has a small crack in the screw immediately to the right of the analog stick, and my analog stick constantly drags down.

    You are, one way or another, going to need to remove the screw, whether that be drilling it out incredibly carefully, or by some other means. A replacement screw, whether from a less important location on the PSP (the other side, maybe?), or new from elsewhere is going to have to go in so that a constant pressure is on the analog stick. A new faceplate or analog stick by itself will not resolve your issue.

    On a side note, if you do remove and replace the screw and restore pressure, let me know. I can send you a little app I wrote when I started having that problem that will show the analog X and Y values on screen, which helps make sure you've got the screw in just right. Also, after it's replaced, if you go to the XMB's System Information, where the firmware version, MAC, and nickname are shown, leave it on the screen, and roll the analog stick around it's axis several times, it will recalibrate the analog stick. This will only work once you've fixed the problem, though.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    I read a lot that it's pressure.

    Dad is going to take out the top left screw. I have the bottom left one really tightly put in, and a replacement that should help if not be more useful than the original.

    The old stick /was/ broken, though...

    Thanks for your help.
    Last edited by The Hombrew Hunter; May 30th, 2008 at 22:28.

  9. #9


    One thing I found out just recently: You can recalibrate your analog stick by entering the screen where your firmware version is shown (system settings, then system information) and then doing a few whole circles with the analog pad. Maybe that's what missing in your case as you seemingly fixed it hardware-wise? My assumption is that maybe it just still has the old calibration in mind?
    Last edited by Atlantisbase; June 3rd, 2008 at 12:28.

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