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Thread: FrodoDS(C64 emulator) updated

  1. #71


    ok, i've tried to fix the black issue by moving the whole palette up by 1, for the most part, this fixes it and black blends find. However frodo uses a 256 color palette and on the ds, color 0 HAS to be transparent, but now that i moved the palette up, the last color is wrapped round to 0, so in some cases, color 15 (16th) is black instead of light grey. So that part still needs a little work.

    Also I have changed the palette to pepto's palette, which is about as close to c64 hardware as any palette is ever going to get. I have added a wait for all the buttons used by the emulator (L,R,X,Y,B,Start,Select) so their function will not happen until the button is released. I have added a function to button Y, which now will list the files on the current disk.

    I haven't yet managed to merge these changes to congoblase's version, im having difficulty compiling it atm.

  2. #72


    has anyone found the bug that causes the corrupted discs after saving? it is in pc frodo as well.

    also I'd love to get a frodo for my wii. i heard troy is working on that. is the source available already?
    Last edited by congoblase; September 13th, 2008 at 19:32.

  3. #73


    i have changed the keys back so that use can use B for space again. also you can change key mappings from within the emu now. persistent screen scaling is also possible, but without spinal_cord's alpha blendig for now.

  4. #74
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks for everyones continued involvement with this emulator!

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by congoblase View Post
    i have changed the keys back so that use can use B for space again. also you can change key mappings from within the emu now. persistent screen scaling is also possible, but without spinal_cord's alpha blendig for now.
    Great job! the emulator's really picking up speed in it's progress now :thumbup:

  6. #76
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    It's beautiful that this is getting so much attention lately, thank you Troy,spinal and congo!

    Troy, did alekmaul get in touch with you at all when he teased about a C64 emulator? Apparently it's another port of Frodo but may have gone into limbo anyway. He made a page on portabledev but never released it.It looks like he copied his AmeDS page, since there are pics of Amstrad but the history and specs are C64.

    Anyway I was just wondering.

  7. #77


    I don't have the knowledge myself, but i think moving the sid emulation to arm7 should speed up the emulator quite a bit. I noticed now and then when the sound fails to start, the emu went quite fast. Is anyone able to do this?

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by congoblase View Post
    i have changed the keys back so that use can use B for space again. also you can change key mappings from within the emu now. persistent screen scaling is also possible, but without spinal_cord's alpha blendig for now.
    Thanks for this! There is a small bug. When you go to the page that allows you to change the screen size, and press "A" the line that says "Press X to reset screen size" is overwritten by a new line that is a copy of the "Press A to switch mode..." line (there are now two lines that say "Press A to switch mode...").

    Should be an easy fix, and doesn't prevent anything from functioning.

    Also, it would be nice if you added a shortcut for the "Y" button that made it fill the DS screen, so that you could easily go back and forth between a proportional screen and a full screen by using the "X" and "Y" buttons.


  9. #79


    thank for pointing that out. has been quite a long night...

  10. #80
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    Is there a way to reset the emu with congoblase's newest key-configurable version? Start is now configurable so, perhaps you could make Reset one of the choices?
    Anyway thanks for the great work.

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