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Thread: Wrong bloomin modchip!?! (Advice?)

  1. #1

    Angry Wrong bloomin modchip!?! (Advice?)

    I believe I have done something very stupid. I am writing here to a) confirm my worst fears, and B) try to ascertain where to go from here.

    Step 1 - After modding every other console I own, I read up on Wii modding. I enter my serial number to work out what kind of drive I have and therefore what kind of chip I have. I find out my serial number is very low (103xxxsomethingorother) which is understandable as I queued on release morning to get mine. I somehow worked out that my console would be compatible with a Wiikey, which I proceeded to order from Canada along with a 'free' tri-wing screwdriver. Quids in, I thought.

    Step 2 - A month passes, no sign of Wiikey, no correspondence from Canada. I email them, where's my modchip, they say it was sent last Thursday. I worry slightly, but arrive home from work to find it waiting for me. Joy of joys.

    Step 3 - I can't wait to install it so rather than waiting to have my genius friend 'the solder wizard' work his magic, I try to have a go myself. Halfway through the install and I realise I'm in WAAAY over my head. Messed up pretty badly. Just about manage to undo my bad soldering job and boot up the Wii again in un-modded mode (to check if I'd ruined it).

    Step 4 - Convince my friend to come over and work his magic on my almost destroyed console. Realise I've done such a bad job I've burned off one of the solder points. One of the points will have to be hard-wired to the IC Amazingly, my friend the genius manages it.

    Step 5 - try to run Wiikey config disc - no luck. Realise I've burned on CD. Burn on DVD+R - realise I need DVD-R. Then realise I used up the last two -Rs that afternoon burning my backups. Head out to ASDA at 1am to buy a pack of DVD-Rs. Burn config images again. Still no luck.

    Step 6 - Read the chip ID on the DVD drive's IC - turns out it's a 'GC2 D1', making my console a D2C, apparently unsupported by the WiiKey, despite being a release day model and despite being told by the Wii tracker that it was a D2B.

    Okay, sob story over. So I'm guessing there's no way to salvage this - a WiiKey just isn't gonna work with a GC2 D1 drive?

    So where do I go from here? Buy a D2C chip? Are there any with features comparable or better than the WiiKey?

    Please understand how tired I am after this arduous process. Things were much easier with my 360........

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro
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    heres my advice:

    1 - forget about the modchip and use the zelda twilight princess explot

    2 - forget about the modchip and use the homebrew channel

    3 - forget about doing anything not licensed by nintendo on your wii.

  3. #3


    Okay, thanks.

    1 - already done it
    2 - already done it
    3 - I paid for my Wii, so I think I'll do pretty much whatever I want with it.

    Hope that helps further explain my situation :-) Anyone else?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peanutismint View Post
    I believe I have done something very stupid. I am writing here to a) confirm my worst fears, and B) try to ascertain where to go from here.

    Step 1 - After modding every other console I own, I read up on Wii modding. I enter my serial number to work out what kind of drive I have and therefore what kind of chip I have. I find out my serial number is very low (103xxxsomethingorother) which is understandable as I queued on release morning to get mine. I somehow worked out that my console would be compatible with a Wiikey, which I proceeded to order from Canada along with a 'free' tri-wing screwdriver. Quids in, I thought.

    Step 2 - A month passes, no sign of Wiikey, no correspondence from Canada. I email them, where's my modchip, they say it was sent last Thursday. I worry slightly, but arrive home from work to find it waiting for me. Joy of joys.

    Step 3 - I can't wait to install it so rather than waiting to have my genius friend 'the solder wizard' work his magic, I try to have a go myself. Halfway through the install and I realise I'm in WAAAY over my head. Messed up pretty badly. Just about manage to undo my bad soldering job and boot up the Wii again in un-modded mode (to check if I'd ruined it).

    Step 4 - Convince my friend to come over and work his magic on my almost destroyed console. Realise I've done such a bad job I've burned off one of the solder points. One of the points will have to be hard-wired to the IC Amazingly, my friend the genius manages it.

    Step 5 - try to run Wiikey config disc - no luck. Realise I've burned on CD. Burn on DVD+R - realise I need DVD-R. Then realise I used up the last two -Rs that afternoon burning my backups. Head out to ASDA at 1am to buy a pack of DVD-Rs. Burn config images again. Still no luck.

    Step 6 - Read the chip ID on the DVD drive's IC - turns out it's a 'GC2 D1', making my console a D2C, apparently unsupported by the WiiKey, despite being a release day model and despite being told by the Wii tracker that it was a D2B.

    Okay, sob story over. So I'm guessing there's no way to salvage this - a WiiKey just isn't gonna work with a GC2 D1 drive?

    So where do I go from here? Buy a D2C chip? Are there any with features comparable or better than the WiiKey?

    Please understand how tired I am after this arduous process. Things were much easier with my 360........
    Hm, my friend has Wiikey, I can ask him to post about it tommarow. Until then, good luck with it i guess.

  5. #5


    Hahah, cheers mate :-)

    I'm pretty sure now that I stupidly bough the wrong chip before opening my Wii.... I'm just a bit lost as to where to go from here!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro ____anders____'s Avatar
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    that is really weird, i have a d2c-key in my wii, and it works like a charm, but my serial number was WAY more than the one starting with d2c, did you ever send in your wii for service?
    maybe they changed the drive there..

    if you want, you can read about my install with the d2c-key and the wii-clip here:

  7. #7


    I never sent it in for service, and I talked to a few 'wiixperts' today; they said it was VERY strange for a release model like mine to have a D2C chip in it.... so unless someone stole my Wii and replaced it with an newer version...there's something very strange going on!! :-D

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