We are receiving lots of questions regarding compatibility with the latest 7.0 firmware update.While we are not ready yet to release this to the world we did want to put out a small bugfix release that addresses one important issue..
So here we are; SX OS v2.5.3!
What was fixed?

  • EmuNAND 6.2 booting again after updating System NAND to 7.0

Some of you who updated their System NAND to version 7.0 notified us their EmuNAND on version 6.2 would no longer boot, thus they were unable to continue using SX OS! This of course is unacceptable, so we decided to investigate and fix it. You can now enjoy the latest firmware on your System NAND again while keeping a compatible firmware in your EmuNAND partition.
That's all for today. Stay tuned!
