via Computer and Video Games

Microsoft's president of entertainment and devices Robbie Bach has debunked internet rumours that the company will announce a Blu-ray equipped Xbox 360 later on today.

Speculation mounted over the weekend that Microsoft was planning to upstage Apple at its Worldwide Developers Conference later on today by confirming that the 360 would see Blu-ray by Christmas.

However, when asked by SF Gate whether the next generation Xbox would have Blu-ray, Bach responded: "No. There is nothing to even talk about right now with regard to the next generation. That is so far out that there isn't anything to talk about."

Of course, Bach could have chosen his words wisely, as he doesn't say *this* Xbox generation won't support Blu-ray. He does add, though: "Our plan continues to focus on high-definition experiences.

"Xbox 360 has a great ability to deliver those through the Xbox Live (online download) service. It's a great way to get the high-definition concept because it's right there. There's no additional media. There is nothing you need to purchase."