The world of the Borrowers is a harrowing one, having to scramble for supplies and survival amidst the dangers of human “beans” and vicious animals. But Arrietty’s family is very close because of their adversity, so when Arrietty’s mom, Homily, is kidnapped by the sinister housekeeper Hara, Arrietty vows to save her mother at all costs. Arrietty must make use of her Yellow Thumbpin weapon to defeat dangerous insects in order to climb structures and rescue her mother. But be careful not to be caught by Ms. Hara’s jars as she throws them down to add you to her collection!
Almost every graphic has been changed to fit the feel of the original Ghibli movie and make you feel like a Borrower going up against immense odds. The most current version is V1.0, and is, for now, the final and definitive version in regards to graphics.