via Computer and Video Games

Microsoft has named the games that'll appear at its booth at this year's E3 in Los Angeles next month, and there aren't any surprises. Or are there?

Banjo-Kazooie, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Halo Wars, Too Human, Viva Piņata: Trouble in Paradise are all set to appear at the July 15 event, but as anonymous tipsters revealed to CVG last month the company could be revealing two "top" titles that'll also be available before Christmas.

Microsoft is expected to bolster its line-up of ever-lucrative casual or "core" demographic games at the show, including a second instalment of quiz game Scene It? and perhaps even an appearance from that long rumoured motion controller. Our bets are that any announcements made at E3 will be in this area.

E3 runs from July 15 to 17. Check back next month for the goods.