Valve added several new options to browse Steam and improve discoverability on the store.

This is part of its Steam Labs Experiments, which users need to opt in to take part in, and aims at providing new points of entry for players, the announcement said.

The first new tool introduced by Steam is a "New & Noteworthy" menu, giving access to current events running on the store, "including game festivals, publisher sales, and other seasonal celebrations."

Valve also added new categories, essentially expanding on the list of genres that was previously available as a default. For example, the RPG category now has sub-genres such as action RPG, CRPG, dungeon crawler, rogue-like, and more.

The experiment also aims at providing more ways to find a game to play by using player motivations, which can be essentially grouped into three categories: genre, theme (fantasy, relaxing, horror, LGBTQ+, etc), and player mode (multiplayer, co-op, MMO, etc).