via Gizmodo

After what seems like an age of to-ing and fro-ing between Microsoft and Yahoo it looks as though a conclusion has finally been reached regarding an acquisition.

It's the geek equivalent of the 'will they, won't they' scenario you'll read about in Heat magazine between attention-starved Hollywood celebrities and Z-list wannabes, and we're pleased to be able to finally draw a line under the whole affair.

At least this is the situation from Yahoo's point of view, Microsoft is still optimistic that an 'alternative acquisition' could still be on the cards, but Yahoo conclusively states that "Discussions with Microsoft regarding a potential transaction - whether for an acquisition of all of Yahoo or a partial acquisition - have concluded."

It's a blow for Microsoft, who has seen its own carefully developed Live Search fall at the hands of everyone's favourite engine, but in comically typical fashion it's trying to make out that it'll be us, the consumer, who'll lose out. "This partnership would ensure healthy competition in the marketplace, providing greater choice and innovation for advertisers, publishers and consumers."

As a final kick in the teeth, Yahoo recently agreed a deal with Google to use Adsense adverts on its pages in North America, which it is suggested will make it more money anyway.