via Computer and Video Games

Command and Conquer PlayStation fans (must be some out there) will be disappointed to know that there was never any possibility of the latest game in the franchise ending up on PS3.

Speaking to CVG, C&C producer Jim Vessella said that the "PS3 was not in consideration".

"We weren't planning on PS3 for Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath," he told us. "We really wanted to focus on Xbox 360 and master that platform before diving into another one."

The victory cries of Xbox 360 fanboys will be short-lived however, as he added that EA has every intention of supporting the PS3 from now on.

"We're definitely considering the PS3 for future versions of our games and future versions of Command and Conquer," he added. "Although we don't have specifics just yet on when that's going to happen.

"But the PS3 is definitely successful and we really want to give that platform love in the future."

Hit this link for the full interview.
