News/release from Frontier:

I present you the new version of my png handling library for Wii and GC. It comes with a lot of new features, so I hope you like it

Current version features:

It's based in libpng 1.2.29

Handles images of 8 and 16 bits per channel.

Handles images in RGB, RGBA, grayscale and grayscale + alpha formats.

Reads image dimensions, pixel format, background color and transparent colors list.

Converts images to YCbYCr, linear RGB565, linear RGBA8, 4x4 RGB565, 4x4 RGB5A3 and 4x4 RGBA8 formats.

Saves YCbYCr images in png RGB8 format.

Handles images stored in memory or in devoptab devices (SD, Gecko SD, etc...).

It's ready to be used in multithreaded applications.

Current version limitations:
Doesn't handle images of 1, 2 or 4 bits per channel.

Doesn't handle paletized images.

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