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Thread: MPs banned from playing games in parliament

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games MPs banned from playing games in parliament

    via Computer and Video Games

    Bhutan national assembly speaker Nima Tshering has banned Bhutan MPs from bringing laptops into Parliament after seeing them used for playing games.

    "I have seen many of our lawmakers playing computer games when others are debating serious issues," he said.

    "I have no problem if the lawmakers carry their laptops and use it for data they might need during debates. But I have a major problem if they play games and look uninterested in the proceedings."

    Bhutan is a tiny Himalayan country that is slowly joining the modern world. It held its first democratic elections in March and only gained internet access nine years ago. In the last five years, sales of desktops and laptops have risen by about 50 percent. There were no figures about WoW subscribers.

    Despite this, MPs have denied the claims. "It is not however true that we were always playing games," an unnamed MP said to the BBC. "We need the laptops because that saves us the trouble of having to carry huge amounts of paper and documents."

    What. Ever.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Buddy4point0's Avatar
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    LOL, that's definitely what I would be doing.

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