New version of Xpadder. It simulates keypresses and mouse movements using a gamepad.

Improved set capacity (increased from 4 to 8 sets)
Improved set handling (infinite sets a big step closer)
Improved assignment right-click set menu (split into set submenus)
Improved SetSelector indicators (replaced dots with set number and method icon)
Improved window display positioning
Improved window position saving
Improved remember window positions option (on by default - centred if disabled)
Improved closing of all windows (all windows close if re-opened - they now toggle)
Improved global settings options layout (expanded window size and removed scrollbox)
Improved timing accuracy and loop counting
Improved component creation in some areas
Improved processing of scan animation display (when no controllers are connected at startup)
Improved keyboard test timing when emulating a sequence
Improved controller properties layout
Improved handling of dialog text formatting
Improved default path determination
Improved image text writing
Added yellow highlight to Controller and Profile buttons whenever changes have been made and need saving
Added type and battery/power information for Xbox 360 compatible controllers to properties window
Added Profile Settings window
Added KeyTapTime global and profile options
Added AllowEmulatedKeys checkbox to keyboard test
Added first run dialogs (welcome and program location, user file location, add associations)
Added Associations option
Added bolding of toggled global options (so you know what options have changed)
Fixed a bug where assigning onto a set selector via advanced assignment window caused error (thanks to tbd2007)
Fixed a bug where re-running with different path casing triggered different-location boot error (thanks to Thraka)
Fixed a bug where programs launching Xpadder using "xpadder.exe" fail boot name check (thanks to Thraka)
Fixed a bug where custom system font dpi size caused error (thanks to scotsummers)
Fixed a bug where custom system font dpi altered window layouts
Fixed a bug where custom system font dpi cropped all checkboxes
Fixed a bug where custom system font dpi affected some fonts (Tahoma 8 is now used 100% throughout)
Fixed a bug where assigning to a one-way set selector copied assignment to setbuddy
Fixed a bug where keyboard settings checkboxes were not translatable
Fixed a bug where Windows 2000 showed icons with magenta background
Fixed a bug where holding shift/ctrl/alt and closing assignment window caused thread error (thanks to generic.imitation)
Fixed a bug where Clear Advanced assignments de-focused advanced assignment window preventing keypresses
Fixed a bug where clicking space to right of global options toggled the checkbox
Fixed a bug where pressing Enter or Space in Advanced Assignments window after pressing a button caused button to repress
Fixed a bug where flickering could occur on multi-core CPUs
Fixed a bug where Inserting a slot caused flicker and highlighting of incorrect slot
Fixed a bug where combinations with Windows Logo keys did not work (thanks to Christian)
Fixed a bug where some dialog windows did not use bold text for details
Fixed a bug where changing background colours while scan animation was running used an old workaround
Fixed a bug where AssignmentPopUpMenu Clear option and wheel clicking was possible even if assignment was already empty
Fixed a bug where Keyboard tab text was not translated (thanks to Ivan T)
Fixed a bug where Controller Properties text could be scrolled via horizontal mouse wheel (thanks to SGTCableDog)
Fixed a bug where multiple buttons could be auto-snapped to stick center in controller settings window
Fixed a bug where Controller help did not show information about the Controller menu (only the tabs)
Fixed a bug where SetSelector help listed methods before list
Fixed bugs where Bad Stick/Trigger Access error values did not show correct value if non-standard and invalid axis