via Gizmodo

It seems that our obsession with hacking the current iPhone and refusing to pay for expensive contracts is about to be punished as the UK is only going to get very 'limited' stock of the new iPhone 3G.

A deep throat inside one iPhone retailer told Electricpig that just 15% of the iPhones sold since the last price drop have been put on the O2 network - the rest have been hacked and are on rival networks. Apple, the source said, is going to teach UK users a lesson by restricting the number of iPhone 3G devices when it launches on July 12.

The 16GB devices will be the worst hit. Oh, and another bit of bad news, is that the source claims the PAYG iPhone 3G will cost £349, not the more attractive £299 that appeared briefly on O2's web site. That would put the UK pricing more in line with what other European nations will be paying.

Maybe that fake Chinese iPhone isn't so bad after all. Still, it may all be shameless scaremongering since what phone company deliberately wants to sell less phones?