Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet
You know it wasnt but a week after I was gone that I started to really miss the forums

So Im really glad to be back.

Right after i had my little (episode) about the house.
I figured I needed to do somthing to get my mind off things.

And yes much like people in the insane house. are pursuaded to make crafts with popsicle sticks. I was in need of a non threatning hobby.
Somthing that didnt include arson- 0.o I really did wanna burn it to the ground guys *cries

But anyway thats all behind me now. and I have finished (triumph)

The worlds first psone constructed entirely out of legos. ( to my knowlage anyway)

and yeah it works like a dream. I even sent in these same pics to EGM.
So who knows maybe we will see it in there. no clue yet tho I just sent the email last night.

* cheers
I'm sad that I missed this nice work SP. I myself have been working on a PC case built with mostly lego. I've seen pictures of such a thing before.