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Thread: Wolf 3D Port : Suggestions + Idea thread

  1. #1

    Default Wolf 3D Port : Suggestions + Idea thread

    Alright guys.

    Now that Wolf3D v4.5 is out, I want your suggestions on what to do in v5.0.

    Here are my questions & Ideas, I would love for you to post your own & comment on mine :


    Let's face it, they suck. The control configure screen is also pretty useless as it only lets you change certain controls. (I am thinking of either making my own or ditching the screen)

    Even if I do make my own control config screen (that lets you config ALL of the controls), we still need to come up with a better default control system.

    Here is my idea (i want yours too!)

    [] = Strafe Left
    O = Strafe Right
    X = Move Backward
    /\ = Move Forward
    Analog = Look left & Right
    Right Trigger = Shoot/Fire
    Left Trigger = Open Doors/Activate
    Dpad Left = Change Weapon Up
    Dpad Right = Change Weapon Down
    Left Trigger + Dpad Up = Quick Save
    Right Trigger + Dpad Down = Quick Load
    Select = Back (in menus) + Menu
    Start = Enter


    This is a big thing for this game and it definitely needs improving. It sounds like garbage in comparison to the PC Version.

    1) Needs to be louder. (easy fix)
    2) Needs to be clearer & more detailed.

    I am working on doing just that right now, and in v5.0 the sound should be a lot better if not perfect.


    The menu is average to say the least. It needs more re-writing to make it more user-friendly.

    Now you guys have two options (i will do whichever is most popular)

    1) Just improve the menu, remove useless options and make it clear as to what does what.

    2) Use the images & style from the menu (to retain the classicness) but code your own, with more options & fluidness.


    Am I the only one that thinks it runs a bit too fast?

    (ghosting looks horrible)

    If the consensus is yes, I will slow it down a bit so the ghosting is reduced.

    For those that don't know what ghosting means look here :


    As we all know, it works sometimes and others it fails. It's slow, buggy and annoying.

    Here are my ideas :

    1) Ditch current system and write my own & make it utilize the same technique as psp commercial games.

    2) Just work on it , make it faster & stable.

    Other Issues

    It goes without saying that bugs like crashing on startup if the menu goes to the credits screen (on v4.5 only) and other bugs are going to be fixed in v5.0.

    If you have found a bug that I have not listed please tell me.


    That's all that is left to do to make the Wolf3D port perfect. In my opinion at least.

    Just a little note too. v4.5 wasn't a formality. It wasn't just a case of "release the full wolf3d version". It did not work in v4.0, it came up with a garbled screen then crashed upon trying to enter the menu, Hence why it didn't get supported until v4.5. It took me around 3-4 hours to debug the problem and fix it.

    Just making that point clear, as it seemed people didn't understand why it wasn't supported in previous versions.

    Please Please Please! respond with your ideas, comments on mine, and anything else related to the project.

    Last edited by Zack; July 6th, 2008 at 00:33.
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  2. #2
    The Gaming Wolf wolfpack's Avatar
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    Will there be support for Spear of Destiny's expansion packs, like "Mission 2: Return to Danger" and "Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge"??

    If so, that would be awesome

    You should look them up on google, as they are quite worthy of playing.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfpack View Post
    Will there be support for Spear of Destiny's expansion packs, like "Mission 2: Return to Danger" and "Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge"??

    If so, that would be awesome

    You should look them up on google, as they are quite worthy of playing.
    I didn't even know they existed

    I will look into it!
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  4. #4


    The control scheme you suggest sounds fine, but if you hard code the controls, definitely provide an option to swap the d-pad and face buttons. Obviously, full custom button mapping solves that more elegantly and ensures comfortable controls for all. A recoded, non-integrated menu to replace the internal one is preferable and would ensure only relevant and more versatile, PSP-specific options remain, not to mention better integration with a PSP-based savegame system, which is always a better option than a proprietary file based one for each game because of easy savegame management through the XMB. You'd also probably have an easier time integrating game selection and switching by isolating the menu from the actual gameplaye, I would think, as well, so that SoD/Wolf selection and even third party and custom levels could easily be loaded and managed. Enough writing with a PSP for me for now, my hands are tired. Keep up the great work! Its much appreciated!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by NeonGenesis View Post
    The control scheme you suggest sounds fine, but if you hard code the controls, definitely provide an option to swap the d-pad and face buttons. Obviously, full custom button mapping solves that more elegantly and ensures comfortable controls for all. A recoded, non-integrated menu to replace the internal one is preferable and would ensure only relevant and more versatile, PSP-specific options remain, not to mention better integration with a PSP-based savegame system, which is always a better option than a proprietary file based one for each game because of easy savegame management through the XMB. You'd also probably have an easier time integrating game selection and switching by isolating the menu from the actual gameplaye, I would think, as well, so that SoD/Wolf selection and even third party and custom levels could easily be loaded and managed. Enough writing with a PSP for me for now, my hands are tired. Keep up the great work! Its much appreciated!
    Thanks for the feedback.

    I also am very keen on making my own menu and doing away with the current one.

    Of course if the consensus is to do my own menu and I go ahead with it, I will keep my own menu in the styling of the current one.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Zack View Post
    I didn't even know they existed

    I will look into it!
    Same here, now I'm gonna have to go find 'em.

    The new control scheme sounds much better, with the option to customize.:thumbup:

    Isn't there a god mode cheat for this game like doom. (I likey the cheats)

    Other than that I think its perfect. Menus don't matter much to me.
    (I know your gonna work on the save games so I wont even mention it.)

    Thanks, I've been waiting to play this game on the psp, 'twas the very first pc game I ever played.
    Last edited by cmfCrazyEyes; July 6th, 2008 at 03:04.

  7. #7
    The Gaming Wolf wolfpack's Avatar
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    Yea the expansion packs werent made by id, actually they were made by a company called FormGen. Even though it was made by a thirdparty company, the expansion is still really fun to play and is definitely worth a shot if you find it.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    From what you have listed it sounds like this will soon go from a great port to a perfect one

    My ideas on what you have mentioned:

    • Controls:
      Dpad/Analog nub: As is (Turn Left/right and walk forwards/back)
      L trigger: Strafe left
      R Trigger: Strafe right
      X: As is (fire)
      O: Open door/secret
      [ ]: Open Door/secret

      (Having 'open' easily accessible is important when looking for secrets)

    • Sound:
      I turn the music off, the sound effects are pretty good now but if you could make them a little clearer that would be fantastic.
      I'm still used to hearing the PC speaker sounds, I'm sure this wouldn't be on your list of things to do even if it were possible, just rambling :P

    • Menu:
      A custom menu would be amazing if you have the time/can be bothered with one. Other than easily customisable controls and perhaps a gamma/brightness option I'm not sure what else there would be to add though. Perhaps not worth it?

    • Gameplay:
      I personally would not slow it down, wolf was/is always fast (I seem to remember that in generations [q2 mod], wolf and doom guys are really fast relative to other player types).
      The PSP's screen has an appallingly slow response time that is accentuated by light colours with black borders/detail like wolf features.

      IMO its better to live with it than slow the game down.
      Is there any way of increasing the gamma? Some emulators let you do this to lessen the ghosting somewhat at the expense of it looking a little washed out.

    • Saving/Loading:
      Whatever you think would be the easiest way for you to achieve consistently stable saving/loading I guess. I have no problem with doing it via the menu nor the small amount of time it takes.
      Less shall we say, "corruption"
    Last edited by bah; July 6th, 2008 at 04:36.

  9. #9
    The Gaming Wolf wolfpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bah View Post
    Is there any way of increasing the gamma? Some emulators let you do this to lessen the ghosting somewhat at the expense of it looking a little washed out.
    Personally id rather have the ghosting than make the game look washed out, because to me that just looks terrible, and if there is a way to increase the "gamma" it should be optional to be tuned up and down, that would be a nice feature so then everyone would be happy. Ive seen it happen to the doom port and it made me upset because i liked it when it was dark, i hated it when they turned up the brightness but then added cheats >_< i just never use that particular port because the cheats werent that valuable to me.

    Gamma = Optional Tuning would be a awesome feature

    Mod Support = Also awesome, have the same type of UI like the doom port when it loaded up wads, you could use that as an example but maybe add a background or something so it doesnt look like plain text on a black background making look kinda....dos-like... (GUI's are good )

    And of course the expansions from SoD haha
    Last edited by wolfpack; July 6th, 2008 at 05:32.

  10. #10
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    Hey Zack, It's me again. Loved you're 4.5 version and made me all giddy when I w blood from my enemies (been playing the gba one for a long time via gpsp).
    My sugggestions are probably like the others. My only gripes are simple:

    1) Better Sound- It's great that you even got sound and music working in this port already from the beginning but the crackling makes me totally avoid grabbing my headphones.
    2) A sub menu system- The newest Doom port (I forget which one) allows players to choose their iwads or pwads. It is a simple menu that pops up before the game even starts, we suggested this before, sorry for being redundant.
    3) Cheats! - The guy who ported Hexen II to the PSP had a very nice cheat system within the game, maybe you could look at that.
    4) CD version compatible files- I bought the original Cd version on amazon and was saddened to find out when I dumped my files from there to my PSP that a black screen greeted me instead of gameplay. So... like almost everyone on this forum, I had to search for the files of the game from someone/somewhere else. What's strange though is that the Spear of Destiny files work from the cd(which were included with my Wolfenstien 3d CD) with your SoD psp port... strange...
    5) Support for the other SoD Episodes- check your PM Zack, you'll understand !

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