Finally got stuck at a blue screen and the characters are blurred out (Mostly)

I regret to inform you your PSP has just crashed

Exception Details
Exception Bus Error Data
Cause C
BadVAddr A
zr at FF AB F v AB

The offending routine may be identified with
-------psp-addr--line-e-target elf -f -C x a x a x a =fac

The error message is incomplete and I'm not sure what to do here.

I'm running 3.90 m33 w/ 1.50 Kernel add-on v2...everything except 1.50-specific Homebrew is stable (ISOs/CSOs/Movies/ETC)

Currently I'm just trying to play Duke Nukem 3D and a nifty PSP PDA thing.

Kinda disappointing since all the badass homebrew is 1.50 only (Why is that?)

Also, is this message "I regret to blah blah" the actual kernel telling me this? Kind of like the Windows BSOD because I got it with both Duke Nukem and the PDA app