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Thread: VGA grounding?

  1. #1

    Cool VGA grounding?

    I just recently brought out my DC again and I was wondering about something. I know there was (suppose to be) a way to ground out your VGA box so you don't have to use the "switch trick" everytime you launch an unsupported CD. Anyone know what I'm talking about or have any info? I did search...and learned a few things about internal VGA but I can't find anything about grounding an already existing VGA box. TIA for any info.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    It's the RGB/VGA selects (pins 6&7) that need to be grounded a certain way, you put in a switch so that you can either ground both for normal VGA, none for TV mode, and just pin 7 for semi-VGA mode - this is for booting non-vga games in vga mode.

    So put in a switch, and then have it on TV (none grounded) then a few seconds after you here the sound of the Dreamcast swirl switch to sem-VGA (ground pin 7) then the game should work. It takes practice and sometimes some games are really buggy with it but most of the time it works great.

    You'll need to open up your VGA box and figure which wire on the box side is pin 7 on the DC side and then put in the three position switch.

  3. #3


    Hey ptr.exe,
    Somehow I thought you would be the first one to respond to this question and I really appreciate the quick responce btw. My VGA already has a switch (TV-PC) and doing what you described is what I meant by "switch trick" which I've definitely gotten the hang of doing well. But I thought that there was also a way to somehow ground it so you don't need to flip the switch at all.

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