via Computer and Video Games

Judge Dava Tunis, the referee in Jack Thompson's November trial has recommended that he be disbarred... for life.

"The Florida Bar has recommended disbarment for a period of ten (10) years," the Judge says in a report obtained by Games Politics. "This Court respectfully declines to follow the Bar's recommendation...

"This case involves factual findings of $#@!ulative misconduct, a repeated pattern of behavior relentlessly forced upon numerous unconnected individuals, a total lack of remorse or even slight acknowledgement of inappropriate conduct..."

The 169-page report says that over the eighteen months of litigation, the Judge has seen no evidence that Thompson is amenable to rehabilitation or even appreciates the need for it.

Tunis then makes the following recommendations; that Thompson is permanently disbarred, with no leave to reapply for admission, and that he pays disciplinary costs currently totalling at $43,675.35 [£22,100.27].

Is this the end for the gaming industry's favourite lawyer? No doubt we'll see a response from the man himself soon.