Recent reports from Japan confirm that the attachment rate for the Nintendo DS is on the rise. The President of the Japanese gaming publication, Famitsu, Hirokazu Hamamura, has recently reported that the attachment rate for the Nintendo DS is increasing in Japan.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, the attachment rate, or tie-in rate, is the number of software copies sold in comparison to hardware units sold. Earlier this year, the Nintendo DS enjoyed a 1.11 software to hardware rate, while the handheld's main competitor, Sony's Playstation Portable possessed 1.62 games per every unit sold. Hamamura has recently reported that the attachment rate of Nintendo's portable has increased considerably in the previous months.

The current tie in rate for the portable is now reported to be in the area of 2.62 games per every system sold. Famitsu's President cites the tremendously popular Brain Training series, as well as Nintendogs, and Jump Superstars for the rise in DS games sold.

While the attachment rate for the Nintendo DS has risen dramatically, the same can not be said for the Playstation Portable. The tie-in rate for Sony's portable has since increased to 1.91 software units per every hardware unit sold. Hamamura has cited a lack of "killer" releases for the portable as the reason behind its lagging attachment rate.