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Thread: Commodore 64 Top Games

  1. #1

    Default Commodore 64 Top Games

    As we now have two very good C64 emulators for the PSP I thought I would do a list of some of the best games, in my opinion, that you all should try.

    The Pyramid by Fantasy Software.

    The idea of this game was that you started at the top of the pyramid and had to make your way down to the bottom by catching diamonds that would unlock doors.

    This game starts of quite easy but soon gets very hard, a must try.

    Lightforce by FTL

    This is a vertical shoot em up. The only thing that lets this game down is that it is quite short, but on the up side it has some of the best music you will hear on the C64.

    Motor Mania by UMI

    This is a top down racer where you drive on and off road. The graphics are very basic but the gameplay just grabs you.

    This was the C64 answer to Manic Miner. Although probably not as good it still has 30 levels of gameplay which will take you an age to complete.

    Percy The Potty Pigeon by Gremlin

    The idea of this game is to collect the twigs off the road while avoiding the cars so that you can build your nest. If the cars got in the way you could always crap on them! This has some very good graphics and also very good music.

    Hunchback by Ocean

    The idea of this game was to make it along the castle wall avoiding all the arrows and pitfalls so you could rescue the girl.

    Nebulas by Hewson

    The idea of this game was to make it to the top of the tower while avoiding all the creatures. The only complaint I have about this is when you fall down you have to start again right at the bottom.

    I Ball by Firebird

    You will either love this or hate it. Its a vertical shooter with a difference. It has 16 levels of action where you can upgrade your weapons. The controls can be a bit frustrating but the great speech and music make up for this.

    Encounter by Novagen

    This is a 3d shooter that moves at some incredible speed. The pictures do not do this game any justice. Created by the same person who made Mercenary.

    Dropzone by US Gold

    You may know this game from the Snes Version, but the C64 original is a million times better. Fast horizontal shoot em up which just ooozes gameplay.

    Falcon Patrol 2 by Virgin Games

    This is a bit like Defender but set in the Middle East. The controls do take a bit of getting use to but is definatly worth it.

    Split Personalites by Domark

    This was a great puzzler. The idea of the game was to make the picture of the personality before the time would run out while also trying to avoid bombs. Excellent gameplay.

    Tales Of The Arabian Knights by Interceptor Software

    This game is worth trying just so you can listen to the speech, brilliant.

    There are a lot more like Impossible Mission, IK+, Summer Games, Commando, Bruce Lee.

    Give them a try.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro leggy's Avatar
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    The good old days

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Alright, I'll post my top 5 C64 games:

    1. Jumpman: The father of all platform games (If you don't include Donkey Kong, that is) 30 levels, amazingly creative level design, especially for the time it was written. It still has some great gameplay. A true classic in every sense of the word.

    It has a great tournament mode. We once had 15 kids in my parent's basement all playing in an elimination tournament. THAT was a crazy night...LOL

    Written by Randy Glover, a guy who programmed cash registers for a living. He programmed Jumpman in his spare time...He made a mint, God bless him...: ))

    Here is a link to an old interview with Randy:

    2. Archon: A living chess game inspired by the living chess game in Star Wars.
    Beautiful art direction, great gameplay. A perfect example of game design. Elegant. I used to play this with a buddy of mine as we drank many beers deep into the early 1980's nights. I would always win the first three matches but as the night drew on the beers would take their toll and I'd always lose the subsequent matches...LOL

    3. Bruce Lee: Still one of my faves. Fun gameplay...Nice design...good music...

    4. Fort Apocolypse: I believe this was the first game I owned on the C64. Used to load it from tape. Very nice design for a shooter. Imaginative for the time.

    5. Impossible Mission: Another great example of game design. Unique premise. Also had the first voice synthesis for a popular C64 game, I'll never forget the evil guy saying "Another visitor...Stay awhile...Stay FOREVER...."

    I have a bunch of others I liked, but these 5 first come to mind...


  4. #4
    C64 PSP Coder urchin's Avatar
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    urchin favourites: bruce lee, uridium, toy bizarre, up'n'down, commando, tapper, IK+, thing on a spring, dropzone, boulderdash, bluemax, paradroid, alleykat, nebulus, wizball, gribbly's day out, zolyx, zenji, rock'n'bolt... i could go on
    c64psp - - c64 emulator for psp

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular ataribob's Avatar
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    Below the Root (windom Classics)SP

    First RPG I beat

    Pitfall 2

    Never came close yet

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular ataribob's Avatar
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    Used to have a Commodore BBS before the real internet.
    Had over 2,000 games at one time

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    In addition to the ones mentioned I liked


  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    JAWS C64 LIST:

    1. LAST NINJA 1 & 2
    3. POOYAN
    4. TAPPER

    greets from jaws!

  9. #9


    As urchin has released a new version of his excellent C64 emulator I thought I would give this a bump.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro Hawq's Avatar
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    Shadow of the Beast, bit tough but good & that tune, excellent stuff
    Flimbos Quest (little known to those without the c64gs maybe)
    Stunt Car Racer
    Rick Dangerous 1 & 2

    A quick selection there to try out

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