Telnet: Would be nice!. if there is one ill edit my post to contain the link.

SSH: very useful for us web developers, put our psp on the side with a tail of our site logs going down the screen, waht a nice screen saver that would be when our sites are hitting activity (if there is ssh please tell me to edit)

X11 and basic gui: really useful if we can get X11 onto the psp, it would allow us to run graphical user inferfaces such as fluxbox basic, to kde and gnome, old systems ran this so i dont think psp will have too much trouble!

FS mounting: why get a hard drive for your psp.. why not wirelessly mount your hard disk on your nix/windows how cool that would be if a phillips wireless media centre can do it, psp surely can

These are the most useful ports i can see happening if they excist ill edit for a link.