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was pleasantly surprised with Microsoft’s enthusiasm for the Xbox 360’s Live Arcade. The team is determined to do it right this time around—no hunting around for an installation disk. At launch, 12-15 games should be available, 15-20 by the end of the holiday season. Here’s a list of definite launch titles:

Hexic HD (original game from the makers of Tetris; comes pre-installed on the HDD)

Bankshot Billiards 2 (it’s pool)
Geometry Wars (upgraded port)

Joust (upgraded port)

Marble Blast Ultra (original title)

Mutant Storm (upgraded port)

Wiki: Fable of Souls (original title)
All of the Live Arcade games will feature HD (1080i) resolution—but for purists, most retro-ports will be available to play in their original glory. In addition, 75% of the titles will feature Live multiplayer modes, with quick match, optimatch, and create match capabilities. Plus, your progress in these games will count towards your “gamerscore”; you’ll also have the opportunity to earn achievements.

What’s most promising about the Xbox Live Arcade is its potential to breath new live into fading genres, as well as lend needed support to the indie scene. Hopefully, we’re going to see some exceptional 2D platformers, shooters, and other genres popping up that are too expensive for publishers to release on disc for next-gen platformers. Games like Wiki and Marble Blast are evidence that the Live Arcade is gonna offer a fresh, albeit retro-based, gaming experience—these are not just ports, folks. If Microsoft succeeds in pointing users at the Live Arcade, I think we’re gonna find a lot of fun for a bargain price—not to mention, this will encourage Microsoft to build the library and pursue garage developers.

The features are there and the launch support is strong. Add online multiplayer to most of these titles, plus the ability to jump in and out of games (autosave), and you’ve got something legit. This is a service that will attract all kinds of gamers, for all kinds of reasons. Don’t sleep on it.