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Thread: LittleBigPlanet may allow users to charge for created content - Reeves

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 LittleBigPlanet may allow users to charge for created content - Reeves

    via Games Industry

    LittleBigPlanet may allow users to charge each other for content they've created, according to comments made by David Reeves, president of SCEE.

    Reeves compared the title's planned system to monetise user-generated content to that of eBay and iTunes, further suggesting that users could set their own prices and that LittleBigPlanet could help users generate substantial amounts of money.

    "What we're trying to do with LittleBigPlanet is almost iTunes meets eBay in the sense that once an individual or a developer has qualified by producing certain levels or certain add-ons, they will then be able in the future to exchange these and make money out of them," explained Reeves according to PS3 Fanboy.

    "Eventually, it's feasible that you might well see the first LittleBigPlanet millionaire!"

    "Even if you charge less than one euro, it doesn't take many downloads if you've got a really strong LittleBigPlanet level for people to be able to make money. It's a great way for people to show others what they can do," he added.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    I dont like this idea at all.

    What happened to the "Play, Create, Share" that follows the games title wherever it goes?
    LGP lets users give and receive items from levels, so someone could simply use items from free levels and sell the same content to others.
    I guess that having users qualify to become sellers may be enough, but i would hate to see a great open platform such as LGP turn into a pay per level nightmare.

    Also, the infrastructure to handle two way transactions does not exist on the PSN…unless they finally add the long rumored Paypal integration.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    I like the look and style of Little Big Planet. However, I do feel that this game is being way to hyped. Are people really going to dl other peoples levels? Also this whole pay idea is just not good. This is a game that I can see getting old really quick for a lot of people. There's really no purpose to the game except to get from point A to point B. The only thing I see this game being good for is as a party game, or if you're trying to get into the game business as a level designer. Now if it was the later you'd be using other games instead for that. If they do let people charge for their levels it's going to kill the idea they were boasting about to begin with.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    I like the idea, however a part of me doesn't.

    If the 'maps' that you want to charge for, are sent to sony and approved as suitable. And they are give a low fair price, it would be all good in my eyes.
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
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  5. #5


    Coool stuff!

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