NoEffex posted this news:

This thing works great, I mean, I'm sure anyone who has installed pspsdk knows it's ANNOYING to do so. Yesterday, realizing that it took all day to install the damn toolchain when it's not that big of a file, that and the fact "dmonchild" gave me the idea of doing so, but since he couldn't because he has dialup, and uploading 767 mb's kinda sucks on dialup. Anyways, with that said and done, ONLY thing I forgot to do is edit the profile script that is loaded on all names to load the variables for pspdev, but that isn't hard, so I didn't really care. In case anyone is too lazy to look at psptoolchains readme or go to ps2dev, it's in the readme and right below. This uses the LATEST toolchain, and has psp-packer in it. By latest I mean day before yesterday latest.

export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/binIf anyone can PLEASE download this and upload it to a stable server, I BEG of you to do so. My download speed on this server owns, but it has a tendency to go down.

Code: P.S If this is in the wrong section, please move it, not sure where to put it, so I figured since this(pspsdk/toolchain) is in essential in psp development, why not put it here. If my server happens to go down, try and hour from when it goes down, but it hasn't gone down in like a week, since they recently did a cleanup.
