WIP news of the PlayStation emulator for PC.

Yes, the emu is alive and well, though I have not had much time to mess with it (been very busy)

I have asked a bunch of friends to help me get a website together, and get it out there. A few people have pinged me online and I have even sent a few the code to see if they can get it running AOK, but most haven't checked back.

It works great... Vista & Java don't play well together with DirectX which slows a few things down, so I want to throw together a Java3D or JOGL display which does the 2d VRAM -> screen blit. This may speed up OS-X which used to be slow too, but I haven't checked in a while.

P.S. I really want people to work on this, so I want it out there (I don't even really care about cleaning up some of the uglier code now), I just haven't had much inclination to work on software outside of work :-(

P.P.S. I talked to a buddy about making the website happen, so hopefully things are in moition