New version of the rom manager for PC.

Change log:

* New "FRI User Settings.xml" file for storing user settings
* Change: the last search is not stored in the new user settings file
* New feature: the user can now rearrange the columns in the main FRI window
* New feature: the selected columns and sorting are now saved when FRI is closed, and reloaded when FRI is opened.
* Fix: When a Library Folder is removed, the associated ROMs will once again be removed. (This was not the case in the previous version of FRI)
* Fix: ROMs with very long file names no longer crash FRI when FRI is scanning for ROMs. Now in many cases the ROMs will be added anyway, and in other cases FRI will simply skip that ROM, informing the user of the error by adding a dummy ROM to the list with "!!! error when finding roms: <message>" as the name, where <message> is the error message.