nullDC/PSP 28-7-2008 (SOTB;INGAME;SLOW)
Ok im not smoking anything but our very own drkIIRaziel who occasionally hangs in our Chatroom has been working on a Dreamcast emulator for PSP.
Now unless im very well mistaken theres not a chance in hell that full speed or even playable is possible but we all live in hope
Check out the videos via Comments
nullDC/PSP 28-7-2008 (SOTB;INGAME;SLOW)
nullDC PSP raw recording
" Demonstration video showing nullDC running on PSP. No textures, no depth management and no sound at the moment. GD-ROM emulation is not quite done either so no games boot yet.
Note that it's also running on interpreter so it's quite slow.
Hey! It's work in progress so don't complain just yet"
Just wanted to show a direct recording of nullDC PSP.
nullDC PSP Build 7-26-08
nullDC/PSP 28-7-2008 (DOA2LE;INGAME;SLOW)
nullDC PSP Build 7-27-08 -=Shenmue=-
nullDC Build 7-27-08
Improved texture support and game booting
Game being boot: Shenmue
Note: RAW captures are a little bit faster than normal... also i i took out about 20-30 min. of loading. ( That was between starting the new game and beginning of intro cinematic. )
will this work on fats or only slims.
i believe dreamcast is possible for psp. if theres something i learned about computer games its that they can be scaled down so that they can work on a wide range of computer hardware. Im very sure the same can be done for the dreamcast emulator. It will take time...yes a lot of it, but im going to keep my hopes high for the day that i can run phantasy star online for the dreamcast on psp.
well it would be more cool and sweet to see the oposite.And i mean PSP on Dreamcast.
Do you beleive its possible?
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