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Thread: Fenix for DC Help Plz

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
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    Default Fenix for DC Help Plz

    Im new here, and have recently begun learning Fenix, and I was just wondering what do you do to get the Fenix games from your computer to a Dreamcast, and do you save them to a memory card or burn them to a CD? Also what is the limit to the filesize you can have for a game you made? If anyone can get me some answers to these questions, that would be great. Just post here please, I never check personal messages or emails.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    To play a game on the DC you will need to put the Fenix DC runtime file on a CD with all your game files. Follow this excellent tutorial (made by Atari) to learn how to make a Fenix for Dreamcast CD with your creations (that page contains also a great introduction to Fenix). There is not A file size limit, but there are some RAM limitations. Still I don't know exactly but stay your FPG's (graphics file) less than 5 mb, your song files less than 2 mb (S3M modules are the best choice for Dreamcast) and always load one at time. You can load multiple WAV files for sounds, but stay the sum of all the sounds less than 700 kb (but it's better to stay down the 500 kb "line"). Hope this helps!

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