Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS/GBA and also the PSP, heres whats new:

Congratulations go to Ilyak who has successfully ported POWDER to Windows CE. His changes haven't been brought into the main baseline yet and require some munging of libSDL, but hopefully the baselines can be synchronized soon. The addition of this new port, whose SDK bested my last attempt to install, has led me to step back from my attempted policy of building every platform myself. The GP2X build I attempted never worked, and lacking the hardware, it is very time consuming to try and fingle it into working. Thus, both GP2X and WinCE will not be directly maintained by me. GP2X is already integrated in the source code so it is "relatively" straightforward to build, hopefully something similar can be done for WinCE. I'll try and point to the last-known-build of these versions, but as they'll be maintained by external volunteers, they can't stay in sync.

Adminstrivia out of the way, on to the goodies! Exciting new tools include the first large special weapon - the Earth Hammer. More zaniness has been added to the great tridude den in the sky. Sick and stoning characters will get some onscreen visualization of their plight, and users of stickyflame will enjoy a more accurate depiction of the suffering of their foes.

Leather helms will actually use the new leather helm icon. (Bunnyriffic)
Doors to special rooms will hopefully now be properly blocked so wandering monsters don't wander through them.
Secret doors should no longer be giveaways in dark rooms by being the only lit wall.
Special overlay tile when creatures are on fire.
New special weapon, the earth hammer. (Ibson the Grey)
Creatures may teleport you to escape rather than always themselves.
Creatures will use wands of sleep to escape. (Derek S. Ray)
Creatures that are tame to someone other than yourself are described as followers rather than tame. (Derek S. Ray)
Picked up items always go to the end of your inventory rather than filling holes, hopefully making it easier to find items you just picked up. (Malte Helmert)
H'ruth is no longer impressed by you being surrounded by sleeping or paralysed enemies. (Robert Hamaker)
The charging of lightning rapiers is now proportional to the damage that would be done.
Tlosh will grant exotic armour skill. (R. Dan Henry)
Necromancer and Barbarian dress codes (R. Dan Henry)
When polyed into a grid bug you can move diagonally with the stylus, mouse, or the new Move command. (Michal Bielinski)
Flamestrike's strength now is dependent on your favour with your current god. (Xaintrix)
Ghosts are no longer able to bypass the library's locks.
You can make secret doors and hidden traps. (CYBER Aeon)
You can smash viewports. (Brendan)
Name generator has a hotkey so keyboard purists can use it. (Brendan)
Forgetting things no longer leaves the menu on screen.
When turning to stone or poisoned your apperance changes.
The final damage from poison is now applied before the you are cured message, leading to a less confusing apparent order of events. (Andrew Poandl)
Ibson the Grey tileset white and red dragons fixed. (Vladimir Stalin)


Gameboy Advance [510k].
Nintendo DS [941k].
Playstation Portable SDL [839k].

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